Rita Zotova

Date of birth: 25.12.2002

Date of Detention: 28.12.2021

Accused: Article 342 of the Criminal Code - Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order or active participation in them; Article 341 of the Criminal Code - Defilement of buildings and damage to property.

Verdict: 2 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony.

Days behind bars: 1029

Rita was a third-year student at F. Skorina Grodno State University, majoring in psychology. She was arrested for allegedly distributing leaflets that insulted riot police. The girl was placed in pre-trial detention, and after several hearings, a verdict was reached: 2 years of imprisonment.
She was added to the "list of extremists."
She is recognized as a political prisoner by the human rights center.
After the verdict comes into force, you can support Rita by writing letters or providing assistance to her family.