Nikita Emelyanov

Date of birth: 24.03.2000

Date of Detention: 20.10.2019

Accused: Article 218 of the Criminal Code - Intentional destruction or damage to property committed in a socially dangerous manner or causing significant harm;
Article 341 of the Criminal Code - Desecration of buildings and property damage;
Article 295 of the Criminal Code - Illegal actions regarding firearms, ammunition, and explosives;
Article 411 of the Criminal Code - Willful disobedience to the requirements of the administration of a correctional institution.

Verdict: 6 years of imprisonment in a prison under strict conditions.

Days behind bars: 1829

Nikita is an activist in the anarchist movement. He is regularly punished with days in solitary confinement in the detention center, and he endured over 5 months of inhumane conditions.
Nikita held a 20-day hunger strike.
He is recognized as a political prisoner by the human rights center.