Andrey Gerasimovich

Date of birth: 16.03.2000

Date of Detention: 18.06.2021

Accused: Article 342 of the Criminal Code - Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order or active participation in them;
Article 364 of the Criminal Code - Violence or threats of violence against law enforcement officers.

Verdict: 2 years and 6 months of imprisonment in a general regime colony.

Days behind bars: 1222

Andrey was arrested during a class at the Grodno University. He partially admitted guilt. Andrey was accused of allegedly throwing objects at police cars. After his arrest, searches were conducted in the dormitory, neighbors were interrogated, and equipment was seized. After five court sessions, a verdict was reached: 2 years and 6 months of imprisonment.
Andrey was added to the "list of extremists."
He is recognized as a political prisoner by the human rights center. After the verdict comes into force, you can support him by writing letters or providing assistance to his family.