Alexey Golovko

Date of birth: 06.02.2001

Date of Detention: 05.03.2021

Accused: Article 342 of the Criminal Code - Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order or active participation in them;
Article 341 of the Criminal Code - Desecration of buildings and damage to property;
Article 361-1 of the Criminal Code - Creation of an extremist group or participation in it;
Part 1 of Article 285 of the Criminal Code - Creation of a criminal organization or leadership in it.

Verdict: 12 years of imprisonment in a colony under enhanced regime.

Days behind bars: 1327

Alexey was detained in a criminal case involving activists of the anarchist movement from the Brest region. The case materials comprised 160 volumes. In addition to the 12-year sentence, he was fined over $8,800.
He is recognized as a political prisoner by the human rights center.